Three Powerful Online Classified Advertising Tips

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Many internet marketers underestimate online classified advertising because they aren’t aware of the fact that once they understand the game, they will easily be able to generate free traffic simply by posting their ads regularly. Not all people understand online classified advertising and don’t use it properly but those who do find it easy to generate targeted traffic to their offers without having to get involved in SEO or PPC. The three online classified advertising strategies we will look at in this article will help you improve your results over the long term and can be adopted right away.

One of the most effective ways to learn about classified advertising is to analyze good ads written by others. You heard right, you need to start looking at classified ads anywhere you can, from the newspapers to magazines and online. As long as you can learn something out of it, there will only be benefits for you. You should compile all the good classified ads you find into one swipe file which you can later use as a template when creating your own ads. Your whole aim here is to adapt from the successful ads and make your own ads unique by bringing out the individuality. It will be easier for you to understand how to create good ads the more time you spend studying existing ads.

Second, if you can include pictures it will make your ad more attractive. But using the wrong pictures can also bring down the response rate. Make sure you use a relevant picture of whatever you’re promoting so that the prospect gets a fair idea.

This will give your advertisement a more palpable feel. For example, when selling physical items you need to include a good image that clearly shows what you are selling. This isn’t always required, though, especially if you are marketing a service because often a logo will be more than enough.

Finally, you should always test and track your ads so you can focus on the high performing ones. When you test an ad, you test various elements, including the copy, the title and the way it is presented. It is critical to understand what a major role testing plays in the success of your ad because there is no other way for you to find which is the best performing ad. Discovering the best performing ad is what tracking is for. Tracking will provide vital information such as how many times your ad has been seen and how many people have clicked through. Tracking and testing are interconnected and if you don’t use them, you won’t be able to maximize your results. Besides that, this is what makes the difference between a good advertiser and a not-so-good advertiser.

In closing, this article should highlight how focusing on the basics can help you see far better results from your classified ad posting. Once you’re more familiar with how to leverage some of the larger classified sites to draw more traffic to your site, you won’t look back. You can use search engine optimization to attract free traffic, but online classified ads can put your offer directly in front of the prospects you want to reach at no cost. Of course you could pay for a premium position on a classified ad site, but the free posts still deliver the responses.

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